Conceptual B&W photograph "Really ?!?". Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

10 Things About The Keto Diet You Don’t Know

People tend to be very skeptical when they hear about a diet that changes our metabolism in a way that makes our bodies burn fat instead of sugar for its energy. But the keto diet promises just that. It’s a type of low-carb dieting that has been trending in recent years. It’s trending, but it’s not a fad, it’s been in use for ~100 years. Maybe you’ve heard of it?

Conceptual B&W photograph "Really ?!?". Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

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Here’s our list of 10 things about the keto diet you don’t know:

1 – The keto diet was developed in the 1920s as a treatment for epilepsy, not for weight loss. Since its development, it has been used to treat other medical conditions like diabetes.

Related reading: 15 Health Conditions That May Benefit From a Ketogenic Diet

2 – The keto diet is an extremely low-carb diet compared to other low-carb diets. The keto diet works when your body is deprived of carbs to the point it will burn fat for its energy. To do that, the keto restricts your carbohydrate intake to just 50g per day. That’s less than virtually any other diet out there. For example, one cup of cooked brown rice has just under 50g of carbs.

Related reading: Measuring Your Macros: What 50 Grams Of Carbs Looks Like

3 – Most diets limit the amount of rich food you can eat. But the keto diet permits a wide variety of food. It allows you to eat fats, including those from meat and dairy products.Diagram of a keto diet food pyramid. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

4 – Most fruits are forbidden on the keto diet because they have high amounts of carbohydrates. However, berries are acceptable on the diet because they have low sugar content.

5 – The majority of your calories come from fat while following keto. It’s important to eat only the healthy fats, not all fats.

6 – Keto Flu is a thing. It’s not really the flu but it’s a group of symptoms that may accompany The Flu. Keto flu is the side effect of starting the keto diet. It seldom lasts more than a week or so, and not everyone feels the keto flu.

Related reading: The Keto Flu: Symptoms, Causes, And Remedies

7 – The keto diet quite literally changes your body’s metabolism. It’s called “ketosis”.

Related reading: 10 Ways To Know You Are In Ketosis

8 – Dietary supplements may be needed with keto. Supplements can help your body adjust to the changes in metabolism brought about by ketosis. There’s a wide variety of helpful supplements available.

Related reading: What About Taking Supplements On The Keto Diet

9 – The ketosis can be taken too far. Ketosis can be harmful if you stay in a calorie deficient state and lose too much weight. It’s important to keep your doctor informed of your dietary decisions.

10 – It’s common for a person to lose 2 – 8 pounds when they first start the diet. But, as with any diet, the results vary a lot from person to person. Because it depends on their activity level, metabolism, health issues, and a plethora of other things.

Now that you’ve learned the 10 things about the keto diet you don’t know, you may be asking yourself…..

Will the keto diet work for you?

Even after touching on all of these facts, you may still be skeptical about the effectiveness of the keto diet. Many theories indicate the keto diet will:

  • Decrease you cravings
  • Increase your metabolism, thereby increasing the number of calories you burn
  • Boosts fat loss

Related reading: From Harvard School of Public Health, “Diet Review: Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss


Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

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Photo of a pregnant couple with food at a table. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

Ketosis And Pregnancy?

Photo of pregnant couple with food at a table. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.What about ketosis and pregnancy?

Photo of pregnant couple with food at a table. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.Photo of a pregnant couple with food at a table. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.It’s clear that the keto diet and the metabolic state of ketosis is safe for most adults. Keto is also known to have a lot of health benefits. But what about ketosis and pregnancy?

The question about ketosis being safe for pregnant woman and their unborn children is an important one to think about. This post will look into ketosis and pregnancy so you’ll be better informed.

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Ketosis and pregnancy

Obviously, a woman’s body goes through many changes during their pregnancy. Their awareness and their partner’s awareness concerning food choices increase while trying to conceive. So how does ketosis affect conception?

Conceiving in ketosis

Ketosis may be beneficial to conception. Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which can make conception difficult if not impossible, have been seen in studies to succeed with conception while following a keto diet. Because a well-planned keto diet is safe for the average person, it’s safe for a woman trying to conceive. This is especially so if she were eating the standard American diet or a high-carb diet.

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Is ketosis safe during pregnancy?

One of the prevailing misconceptions about ketosis while pregnant is that ketosis will lead to Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA). DKA is quite harmful but entirely different than nutritional ketosis that comes from the keto diet.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis vs. Nutritional Ketosis

  • DKA is a metabolic state found in diabetics that aren’t properly managing their diet or insulin. This results in unnaturally high levels of ketones along with blood sugar levels that are three times higher than normal, or more. Causing a dangerous amount of acid in their body. Ketoacidosis needs to be avoided by everyone, not just women who are pregnant.
  • Nutritional Ketosis is a naturally occurring state of metabolism where the person’s body is using fat instead of carbohydrates for its energy. In this state, there are very low levels of ketones and blood sugar levels are normal. The body also has a healthy acidity.

Sometimes these get confused with one another and if can cause professionals to think that nutritional ketosis has the same effect as Diabetic Ketoacidosis. This is especially so because DKA can be harmful to the development of the fetus’s brain. Because of this, there’s belief ketosis is harmful to the developing baby. But that’s inaccurate!

Now for some facts

Naturally occurring ketosis during pregnancy

Click to get your own Custom Keto Diet PlanThe majority of women who are pregnant suffer from morning sickness at the beginning of their pregnancy. Morning sickness brings nausea, reduced appetite, and aversions to some foods. Eat often becomes intermittent and in smaller amounts. Because of all of this, a pregnant woman is frequently, and temporarily, in and out of ketosis.

Let’s point out that ketosis is part of being human, naturally. For instance, the time between eating dinner and eating our first meal the next day is putting our bodies into a state of fasting. Even our first meal of the day is call breakfast… break the fast. And this happens to everyone, not just pregnant women.

Furthermore, pregnancy might be in favor of ketosis. Because according to the study, “Starvation in human pregnancy: hypoglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, and hyperketonemia”, ketone levels are about three times higher in pregnant women after an overnight fast than in non-pregnant women.

Late-stage pregnancy and ketosis

Ketosis often occurs naturally in late-stage pregnancies. Ketones are used by the baby before and just after birth produce essential fats in the brain during growth. Actually, researchers think the fetus may be making its own ketones. Possibly being the reason ketosis is so common during the third trimester.

Related reading: “Ketonuria in Pregnancy—With Special Reference to Calorie-restricted Food Intake in Obese Diabetics

The metabolism of pregnant women changes to a catabolic state in late-stage pregnancy. The catabolic state is one of molecular breakdown, meaning ketosis is happening more frequently. Remember food aversions and nausea that many pregnant women experience alone will reduce the amount of food consumed, more easily entering ketosis.

Related reading: “What is a Catabolic State?

Pregnancy with low-carbs

A low-carb diet is fine during pregnancy so long as enough nutrition is consumed. A balance of ketones and glucose is key for the fetus to grow. The important thing is to ensure normal blood sugar levels and the consumption of enough calories.

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Thing to consider

We know ketosis is safe and natural when done correctly. A woman goes through a lot of changes and there are extra things to consider during pregnancy. Regardless of being in ketosis or not, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Now is not the time for weight loss – The keto diet is a very effective way to lose weight. For most women, losing weight during pregnancy isn’t a good idea. It’s important to consume enough calories regardless of your diet. Proper nutrition is vital.

Eat whole foods – Proper nutrition is especially important for your growing baby. There are some foods with higher carbohydrates that are important to include in the pregnancy diet: fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes, occasionally dairy products.

Avoid added sugar, processed foods, and refined grains – Carbohydrate quality is important because it relates to nutrient-dense foods for both the mother and the growing baby.

Don’t fast intermittently – Even though there are a lot of benefits to intermittent fasting it’s not a good idea while pregnant. It’s more important to pay attention to your hunger cues and consume enough nutrition for growth.

In summary

It’s necessary to consider your diet during your pregnancy, don’t let fear-mongering and ignorance make you think the keto diet is harmful to pregnancy. Especially when you compare it to the diet most people are earring.

Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

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Photograph of a woman not feeling well due to the Keto Flu. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

Top 5 Keto Flu Remedies That Work!

Keto flu remedies that work are a handful of things for you to do if, or when, you find yourself feeling the symptoms. Or, by doing these things at the same time you begin your keto diet you may well avoid feeling the symptoms entirely!

What is the keto flu?

The keto flu is a group of flu-like symptoms that some people experience when they start the keto diet. The keto diet is a high-fat, medium amount of protein, and very low-carb. The objective of the keto diet is to put your body in a state of ketosis. In ketosis, you’ll burn stored fat instead of glucose. This process is quite a change of metabolism and some people react to it by presenting flu-like symptoms. However, there isn’t any disease involved and the symptoms are very temporary.

Photograph of a woman not feeling well due to the Keto Flu. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.The symptoms and severity vary by person. But most people who are affected will have some combination of general achiness, constipation, headache, or nausea because of the sudden diet change. Be aware that, unlike The Flu, keto flu does not cause fever. If you have a fever you may want to see your doctor.

These side effects, or symptoms, seldom last more than a few days to a week. That is, so long as the ketoer strictly adheres to the diet. Falling in and out of ketosis will cause the symptoms to last longer because you’re not giving your body time to adjust.

The keto flu can be very uncomfortable for some people, while others won’t even think about how their feeling. Regardless of where you fall on that spectrum, treating the keto flu symptoms appropriately will get you through this adjustment period more quickly and with less discomfort.

And consider this. If you start following these remedies at the same time you start your keto diet you may be able to avoid the keto flu entirely.

Related reading: The Keto Flu: Symptoms, Causes, And Remedies

Top 5 keto flu remedies that work!

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1 – Drink plenty of water

Extra sugar is stored as glycogen. Our body’s cells hold the glycogen molecule and a lot of water. Our bodies dump a lot of that water and glycogen as we go into ketosis. Because we are losing so much water we can become dehydrated unless we drink plenty of water.

Dehydration can lead to general body aches, headaches, and sluggishness.

Because dehydration is such an unwanted side effect, be sure to drink plenty of water to prevent it. This is particularly important if you were drinking a lot of sugary drinks before starting your keto diet.

2 – Boost your electrolytes

As your body expels water it also loses electrolytes. The loss of electrolytes is compounded as insulin levels decrease. A lot of the keto flu symptoms are associated with lower levels of electrolytes. If you’re experiencing a feeling of weakness, fatigue, or cramping, it could be the lack of electrolytes.

You can improve your electrolyte levels by adding salt to your diet or drinking a sports drink that is high in electrolytes. Because sports drinks can have added sugar, you will have to watch your carbs more closely. Alternatively, drink sugar-free sports drinks.

3 – Consume enough calories

Eating a keto diet will reduce your appetite. Because your appetite is reduced you run the risk of not consuming enough calories to stay healthy. The combination of a decreased appetite from eating keto, and feeling nauseous from the keto flu, can put you in a position where you’re not taking in enough calories.

Ensure you’re eating healthy fats and consuming enough calories every day. Then your energy level should improve and your nausea will be reduced.

Accurate meal planning is crucial to consuming both the right amount of macronutrients and calories. Correct meal planning is also time-consuming and can be frustrating. One option is to have a custom keto meal plan prepared for you by professional nutritionists and chefs based on your food preferences, weight goals, and other personal information. Click here or on the banner below to learn more.

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Related reading: How To Make A Keto Meal Plan

4 – Take it easy

It’s important to avoid overdoing things at the start of your keto diet. Because it takes time for your body to transition completely to ketosis.

For the first 7-10 days avoid strenuous exercise and hard work. Instead, try lighter types of exercise like yoga, walking, or medicine ball exercises. Then you get back to your regular routine when you’re feeling better.

Related reading: Lose Weight Fast With Yoga And Keto

5 – Try transitioning more slowly

Since many of the keto flu symptoms are caused by a sudden dietary change, you can transition to keto more slowly versus going full bore. Phasing out carbohydrates while increasing fats over a week or two will let your body adjust over time instead of overnight. Avoiding keto flu symptoms entirely!

When should you see a doctor?

The keto flu is very temporary and should go away pretty soon after starting the diet. If your symptoms last longer than 10 days or are painfully debilitating, or they’re accompanied by a fever, you might want to see your doctor.

Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

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Illustration of a woman with her brain in thought looking at the keto food pyramid. Click to start your custom keto meal p;lan.

Can The Keto Diet Diminish Aging Of The Brain?

A lot of attention given to the keto diet recently. There’s evidence that shows the keto diet is beneficial for weight loss, cardiovascular health, and improved brain health. Now, there’s a new study to determine; “Can the keto diet diminish aging of the brain”?

Related reading: “How A Ketogenic Diet Benefits Your Body And Mind”

Illustration of a woman with her brain in thought looking at the keto food pyramid. Click to start your custom keto meal p;lan.

Stony Brook University professor Lilianne Mujuca-Parodi, who led the study, indicated signs of early aging in the brain can be prevented with the low-carb keto diet.

The keto diet puts a person into the state of ketosis where ketones use stored fat for energy instead of blood sugar from carbohydrates.

The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb, with moderate amounts of protein diet. Typically including meats, eggs, cheese, butter, avocado, and oils. The keto diet excludes nearly all the common carbohydrates like bread, rice, and other grains.

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How ketosis affects the brain

The Stony Brook study was developed to see the effects of the keto diet on people showing early signs of aging, yet still presymptomatic.

Click to get your own Custom Keto Diet PlanThe researchers first found that brain aging in the form of destabilized communication between different regions of the brain usually begins in our late forties, especially near to 47. Destabilized communication between regions of the brain is associated with weaker cognition.

The researchers established brain network stability is a biomarker of aging. The research team also learned having type 2 diabetes increased the destabilization of the brain networks. Lastly, the team tested the way network stability reacted to changes in diet.

The study’s participants were divided. One group was put on a standard diet metabolizing glucose for energy. The other group was put on a keto diet where their energy came from ketosis, not sugar.

One of the results was that the participants eating the keto diet had increased brain activity and stabilized communication networks.

Diminish aging of the brain

“The bad news is that we see the first signs of brain aging much earlier than was previously thought. However, the good news is that we may be able to prevent or reverse these effects with diet, mitigating the impact of encroaching hypometabolism by exchanging glucose for ketones as fuel for neurons”, Mujica-Parodi said in a news release.

After a while of depending on ketones, the brain isn’t able to use glucose for its energy. So by increasing the energy that’s available to the brain, the hope is the brain will restore itself to be more youthful.

In the world of Alzheimer’s research, ketones are being looked at as a therapeutic way of treating the disease. A different study at the National Institute of Aging found that an increased amount of ketones might help to fight Alzheimer’s Disease.

Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

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Video capture of "Keto-Friendly Broccoli and Cheddar Frittata" on YouTube. Click to watch video on YouTube.

“Keto-Friendly Broccoli and Cheddar Frittata” – Video Summary

The “Keto-Friendly Broccoli and Cheddar Frittata” recipe is below the video.  Click the video to watch it on YouTube.

Video capture of "Keto-Friendly Broccoli and Cheddar Frittata" on YouTube. Click to watch video on YouTube.

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Summary of “Keto-Friendly Broccoli and Cheddar Frittata” – Video

Keto-Friendly Broccoli and Cheddar Frittata is a very easy, healthy, and tasty meal.   Frittatas are very versatile and can be included as part of your breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinner!

Request our “Delicious Keto Recipes” eBook with 21 keto recipes written by Rachel Roberts:

Most importantly, we offer a complete 8-week Custom Keto Meal Plan made for you based on your own physical attributes, activity level, and weight goal. You can watch this video to learn more about it here.

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“Keto-Friendly Broccoli and Cheddar Frittata”

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1


3 Eggs
1 Tbsp Butter
1/4 cup grated Cheddar Cheese
1/4 cup Broccoli florets
Pinch of Salt and Paprika


    1. First, Brush a heat-proof dish with butter.
    2. Next, Beat in eggs, salt, and paprika.
    3. Then, Mix in cheddar and top with broccoli florets.
    4. Finally, Set in the microwave for about 3 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

Nutritional Information:

Energy – 377 kcal
Protein – 24g (27%)
Fat – 30g (71%)
Carbohydrates – 2g(2%)

Learn how to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” prepared for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner below to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

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Couple walking away from camera on a beach during summer vacation. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

Top 3 Ways To Maintain Your Keto Diet During Summer Vacation

"Keto Diet For Dummies" book cover photo. Click to read detail on Amazon.The ketogenic diet is a challenging diet because of its restrictive nature. And even the most devoted ketoer has a hard time saying “no” to all align: right; the goodness of summertime food, like BBQs or fish fries at the beach. Here we’re going to give you the top 3 ways to maintain your keto diet during summer vacation. Our tips will limit what summertime fun can do to your waistline and your keto diet.

With our top 3 ways to maintain your keto diet during summer vacation, you will be able to enjoy yourself during the summer without sacrificing your success with the keto diet.

Are you interested in trying the keto diet but you’re not sure what to do? Get a custom keto meal plan based on your unique requirements here.

1 – Alternatives to alcohol

Vector graphic illustrating "no alcohol allowed". Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

For some people, the hard part about staying on their keto diet isn’t watching what they eat, but rather what they drink.

A lot of cocktails and pre-mixed alcoholic drinks are full of sugar. Because they are full of sugar, they’re also loaded with carbohydrates. And all those carbs take them off the keto dieter’s menu.

Beer can also be very high in carbohydrates. A rule of thumb is, “the darker the beer, the greater the carb count”. Luckily, there are options for ketoers who want to enjoy an adult beverage.

The ketoer who prefers beer can find low-carb options distributed by many of the big names in brewing alongside their traditional beers.

Make sure the number of beers you drink fits into your daily keto targets. Because drinking too many will put you over your carb and calorie limits.

An alternative is to drink your favorite liquor mixed with flavored water or diet soda because a lot of liquors are carb-free, though not always low in calories.

So check the carb count of your favorite hard alcohol and mix it with the sugar-free drinks you like best for a tasty cocktail that fits your diet plan.

Related reading: “Does Keto And Alcohol Mix?

2 – Get outdoors and move

Couple walking away from camera on a beach during summer vacation. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria. It seems obvious that working out and exercising while vacationing is a good way to stay on track with your keto diet. However, a lot of people just want to relax on their vacation, and that means lounging around, watching your screens, and snacking because of boredom.

Instead of binge-watching your favorite Prime Video programs, go on some outings instead. Depending on where you are you may be able to take a long daily walk, hike some local trails, or literally fly a kite at the beach!

Families with children might like going to a water park or public pool. Because that will let everybody get some healthy and fun exercise as well as cooling off from the summer heat.

Choose destinations that have options for exercising when you’re planning your vacation, versus locations where vacationers typically spend their time sitting on a beach or otherwise not being active.

A lot of vacation destinations have activities requiring some level of exercise like a city walking tour.

Related reading: “25 Bucket List Worthy Walking Tours Around The Globe

Take the time to schedule your vacation in a beautiful place. A place where eating isn’t the vacation’s focus.

Exercising and healthy eating are key to being successful on your keto diet plan. So don’t let vacationing be an excuse to fall off your diet. Keep moving!

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3 – Take your food with you

Photograph of keto friendly chicken kabobs to illustrate summer vacation food. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.An excellent way to stay on track with your keto diet when you travel locally, or are heading out for a BBQ, or any other summertime event is to take the food you’re going to eat with you.

A lot of BBQs will provide keto-friendly meat options but the sides will likely be full of carbs. We’re thinking of macaroni and potato salads, chips, sweet fruit, and bread. The temptation to fall out of ketosis is everywhere at a BBQ.

Rather than suffering all those temptations, pack your own keto-friendly side dishes and desserts.

Related reading: “Keto Desset Recipes

When delicious keto-friendly food choices are available, it’s much easier to make the right choices.

Be sure to keep yourself on your keto diet by insuring you come prepared to eat well instead of falling back into your old carb-loaded eating habits

Although some dieters will fail during their summer vacation, our top 3 ways to maintain your keto diet during summer vacation will keep you on the path to success. So with a little planning and creativity, there’s no reason the keto diet won’t so long as you’re thinking about the long-term.

Successful dieting is seldom quick and usually comes from making good decisions about exercise and food. So keep making those good decisions and stay on your keto diet plan.

Are you interested in trying the keto diet but you’re not sure what to do? Get an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.


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Teenage boy eating a hamburger fast food meal. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

Teens On Keto

Teenage boy eating a hamburger fast food meal. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.The keto diet, as well as other low-carb diets, has been shown to cause the dieter to quickly lose weight and keep it off. This has been shown both anecdotally and scientifically. Unfortunately, the rise in obesity isn’t just an adult problem. The rate of childhood obesity has more than doubled in the United States over the past 30 years. Today almost a third of this country’s children and teenagers are overweight or obese. Just like adults, overweight teens are more likely to have health problems later in life such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Let’s not overlook the emotional consequences either. Studies show that overweight and obese teens are bullied more frequently and have more self-esteem issues than their counterparts.

With low-car diets becoming mainstream and teen obesity rising, many parents are wondering if putting their teens on keto is a good idea.

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Will keto work for teens?

The short answer is “yes”. There have been a number of studies on the subject. One study found that 60% of the participants lost significant weight. Interestingly, 22% left the study due to keto being too strict for them. An unexpected finding was a dramatic 50-90% reduction in seizures after following the keto diet.

Other studies showed both teens and adults get the same benefits from a ketogenic diet. Furthermore, none of the teens on keto left the study because of negative side effects.

So you can see the keto diet is safe and effective for teenagers with excessive weight issues.

Does keto work for children?

There’s a long history of using keto to treat children. The ketogenic diet was first developed to help children with epilepsy in the 1920s. Then the ketogenic diet became increasingly popular after it was shown to be effective at treating children with refractory epilepsy in the 1990s. Keto is so effective that it repeatedly provides greater results in children than it does in adults.

Related reading: “What Is Refractory Epilepsy?” on WebMD

Restricting carbs in children

Consuming too many simple carbohydrates has been correlated to the frequency of a child misbehaving. Because of that misbehavior, some parents may want to restrict their children’s carb intake even if they aren’t overweight.

If parents don’t want to put their overweight teens on a keto diet they might consider restricting their carbohydrate consumption to complex carbs. Because complex carbs like whole-grain foods take more time to digest, allowing us to feel fuller longer. Additionally, overweight teens need to restrict their consumption of sugary products like sodas, candies, pastries, and other food loaded with white sugar. Because these foods are loaded with simple carbohydrates (empty calories) causing weight gain because of their high-calorie count.

The keto diet is just as safe and effective for teens and children as it is for adults. The keto diet can help your child lose weight for their health and wellbeing.

Because creating a keto meal plan takes a lot of work, you will find it is much easier and less frustrating to have a custom keto meal plan made for you. Our 8-week custom keto meal plan is an eight-week weight loss plan where you follow the keto diet. Customizing it based on your food preferences, daily activity level, your height and weight, and your weight loss goals. This customized meal plan helps you happily achieve your weight loss target and complete body transformation because you don’t have to compromise with your food preferences.

Related reading: “How To Make A Keto Meal Plan


Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.


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Photograph of a woman who thinks it's hard to stay on a keto diet. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

It’s Hard To Stay On A Keto Diet – Here Are 3 Easier Variations Of Keto To Follow For Weight Loss

It’s hard to stay on a keto diet. But the following three variations are a lot easiest to stay true to and they still offer the benefit of weight loss.

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Photograph of a woman who thinks it's hard to stay on a keto diet. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria. The keto diet allows for enjoying high-fat, low-carb foods like avocado, butter, bacon, burgers, and cream. But you have to severely reduce the amounts of added sugar, most fruit, grains, starchy vegetables, and nearly all processed food. That’s hard to do consistently!

The keto diet is very popular among many of Hollywood’s A-listers. But it’s hard to stay on a keto diet without a private chef preparing fantastically fatty snacks and meals for you. If you’re determined to stay on keto, enlist the help of professionals. No, you don’t have to hire a specialty chef. But you can hire a crew of certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs to create an 8-week custom keto meal plan for you.

‘Us Weekly’ magazine article online: ”Celebs Crazy for Keto: These Stars All Swear by the High-Fat, Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet

Fortunately, there are some keto variations more accommodating to those of us lacking the fortitude to follow the ketogenic diet. The standard keto diet puts our bodies into the state of ketosis where we burn fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. Promoting fat loss. With the keto variation, you will be moving into and out of ketosis. But you’ll still lose weight, just not as much weight or as efficiently. Keep reading to learn how the keto diet and its variants work.

The original ketogenic diet

The original keto diet is high-fat, low-carb, and moderate protein. Calories from your macronutrient consumption are distributed like this: 75% fats, 15-20% proteins, and 5-10% carbohydrates.

Photograph of "Fresh" brand Banana Nut Muffins. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria. Nutritiona facts for "Fresh" brand banana nut muffins. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria. Meals and snacks are planned around fatty foods like avocados, butter, fatty fish, fatty meat, olive oil, etc. An average person requires around 150g of fat per day to move their body to where they are metabolizing fat for its energy. That’s probably 3 times the fat you’re consuming now. You also have to cut your carb intake to 50g or less per day from a typically more than 300g per day. Fifty grams of carbs is a little more than what you might find in a breakfast muffin. That means you have to limit yourself to leafy greens, above-ground vegetables, low-carb fruits like berries, and some melons. Lastly, you will be limited to moderate amounts of protein (meat, fish, or poultry). That’s ~90g per day, 30g per meal (about 4 oz. per meal).

The targeted keto diet

The targeted keto diet macronutrients break down like this: 65-70% fats, 20% proteins, 10-15% carbohydrates.

Targeted keto is popular with athletes and active people wanting the keto lifestyle but requires more carbs. Targeted keto allows for up to 30 additional grams of carbohydrates. The extra carbs are to be consumed just before and right after workouts. This allows for greater intensity exercising and faster recovery. Total carbs can be 70-80g per exercise day. The best choice for these extra carbs is fruit, grains, or nutritional sports products. Since the extra carbs are quickly burned off they won’t be converted to fat and stored in the body.

Related reading: “Endurance Athletes And Ketogenic Diet

The cyclical keto diet

The macro breakdown for the cyclical keto diet is 75% fats, 15-20% proteins, 5-10% carbohydrates on keto days, 25% fats, 25% proteins, and 50% carbohydrates on the off keto days.

The cyclical keto diet is a way of cycling into and out of ketosis. This cycling allows for a more enjoyable diet on the off days. One approach to keto cycling is to be off keto two days a week. The two-day-a-week method can be especially handy for special occasions. You can schedule your two days to coincide with birthdays, holidays, vacations, or weekend getaways. The best results come from eating whole foods that are carb-rich. On your off days choose fruits, dairy products, grains, and root vegetables. Avoid added sugars and processed foods.

The high protein keto diet

In the high protein version your macros look like this: 60-65% fats, 30% proteins, 5-10% carbohydrates.

You can see here we’re shifting from fats to proteins while keeping carbs in line with the original diet. To make that shift you’ll eat ~120g of protein per day. That’s roughly four 4oz portions of meat, fish, or poultry. And limit your fat consumption to 130g per day. A lot of ketoers find this variation of the keto diet easier to follow than the standard keto diet due to the increased allowance of proteins and less fat. One cation though, with the variation you may not get into ketosis because protein can be metabolized into glucose for energy. Nevertheless, weight loss is generally a byproduct of the high protein keto diet.

Each of these variations of the keto diet will result in weight loss. But none will work as quickly as the original keto diet. We know it’s hard to stay on a keto diet. Meal planning is the most difficult part of being on a keto diet. But meal planning can be very easy when you let someone else do it for you. Take the time to check out this video to learn more about the original keto diet and what our 8-week custom keto diet plan can do for you.

Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.


Click to get your own Custom Keto Diet Plan


Photograph of an African-American woman in a bikini smelling something bad. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

Keto Crotch – A Keto Diet Reaction 

As awesome as the keto diet is.  Having helped countless people achieve and maintain their weight goals.  It comes with a handful of weird side effects like keto flu, keto breath, and keto diarrhea.  But wait, there could be another side effect that’s even more uncomfortable to talk about – ‘Keto Crotch’ – a keto diet reaction.

Recently people have been talking about what may be another unpleasant reaction to going keto, that’s keto crotch.  That’s right, some new ‘ketoers’ have noticed some harsh odors coming from their vaginas after starting the keto diet.

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The keto crotch effect

Photograph of a African-American woman in a bikini smelling something bad. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria. Photograph of a African-American woman in a bikini smelling something bad. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.Photograph of a African-American woman in a bikini smelling something bad. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.Photograph of an African-American woman in a bikini smelling something bad. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.The most common complaint is developing a much stronger vaginal odor after a month or so of adhering to the keto diet. Some describe it as a musky smell, only stronger.  Others say it’s something like the discharge and urine.

Photograph of a African-American woman in a bikini smelling something bad. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.On the bright side, it appears your body will adjust your new diet in time and that funky odor will go away.  However, just because a relatively small group is experiencing this, is it really a result of going keto?

Is keto crotch really a side effect?

As far as we can tell there hasn’t been any legit research on the keto crotch phenomenon.  Nevertheless, some ketoers may be experiencing body changes resulting in these unpleasant odors from a keto diet. We’ll just have to wait and see if a researcher somewhere will take the task on and report their findings.

In the meantime, let’s consider other side effects and whether or not keto crotch can be a thing. When you’re in ketosis your body is consuming fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.  That process makes ketones. On a keto diet, your body is making a lot more ketones than on a standard diet.  These excess ketones are known to cause your urine, excrement, and breath to smell slightly foul.

Dr. Jessica Shepherd who is a minimally invasive OB/GYN and founder of “Her Viewpoint”, tells us that the ketone effect is probably not what’s going on.  She thinks it’s more likely that changing to a keto diet changes your vaginal pH.  In turn, changing your vaginal odor.  She goes on to say that any diet can change vaginal pH.

Vaginal pH should be between 3.8 and 4.5 to be a healthy pH. Some foods like alcohol, asparagus, broccoli, dairy, fruit, garlic, onions, and red meat may affect your pH balance. According to Dr. Mary Rosser, another OB/GYN, the smallest change in pH can change the odors you’re used to.

Related reading:  “11 Reasons Your Vagina Smells a Little…Off

What can be said about keto crotch rash?

Besides new vaginal odors, some women say they have gotten a rash in the area of their crotch as well.

Is there such a thing as a keto crotch rash?  A keto diet can potentially trigger the inflammatory disease, ‘Prurigo Pigmentosa.  Its symptoms are red itchy bumps on the back, neck, and stomach. But the scientific/medical community a direct link as to why a keto diet would cause a breakout in your crotch. Christine Greves, OB/GYN, tells us that if you get a rash while eating keto, don’t simply blame the diet, be safe and see your medical provider. 

Related reading:  “Treatment of Prurigo Pigmentosa with Diet Modification: A Medical Case Study

Although there’s no direct link between a keto diet and developing a rash, dietary changes might lead to changes in your vaginal health.  These changes could potentially manifest as a rash.

Then again, something else you were doing about the time you started your keto journey could be the cause of the rash.  One possibility is working out longer or more frequently. Causing you to wear your sweaty gym clothes longer. Regardless, if you get a rash that’s not going away, see your doctor. You could have an STD, yeast infection, or some other condition.

Custom Keto Diet

What to do if you have keto crotch

If you develop a strange odor soon after you start eating a keto diet, maybe wait a few days for your body to balance out. If your body doesn’t correct, you could stop the keto diet for a few days and see if the offensive odor goes away.  The odor should go away as your vaginal pH returns to its original value. If the odor doesn’t return to “normal” after you’ve stopped keto there may be something else happening and it’s time to talk to your doctor.  The bad odor could be a sign of ‘bacterial vaginosis or an STD.

Other keto side effect

The fact is, starting a keto diet can be rough on your body in the beginning. 

You could develop flu-like symptoms, known as ‘keto flu’. The symptoms of keto flu are aches, dizziness, fatigue, and nausea. If you do get keto flu it will typically go away after a few days as you adjust to operating in ketosis.

There’s also ‘keto diarrhea’.  Barbie Boules, a registered dietitian and founder of Nyoutrition, explains it’s because of the high-fat consumption your stools can become much softer. Plus a lot of ketoers use artificial sweeteners which can cause problems with your stomach.

In the end, if you start a keto diet,  you need to do a self-check to see how your mind and body are doing. Then decide if the keto lifestyle will work for you. Also, think about talking to a trusted doctor or nutritionist about how well keto fits you based on your health and lifestyle.  Be sure to talk to them about any symptoms you experience too.

One way to start right is to have a custom keto diet plan prepared for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, weight goals, and other personal criteria. Click here or the banner below to learn more about getting an 8-week Customized Keto Diet Plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

Click to get your own Custom Keto Diet Plan

Infographic of the keto diet food pyramid. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

A Review Of The “Lazy Keto Diet”

The “Lazy Keto Diet” is the latest spin on the century-old keto diet, but is it right for you?

Both the lazy keto diet and the even more relaxed dirty keto diet have been trending upward in the dieting space. It could be the result of people being interested in losing weight, but don’t have the patience or desire to hold themselves to the strict keto diet.

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What is the lazy keto diet?

Infographic of the keto diet food pyramid. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria. The standard keto diet demands that you pay very close attention to how much food you eat, down to the gram, in order to put your body into a state of ketosis so it will burn its fat for energy. Your caloric intake from macronutrients (macros) with the standard keto diet is roughly 70-80% from fat, 20-25% from protein, and 10% or less from carbohydrates. This means you’ll be eating a lot of meat, butter, and oils, some leafy greens, but hardly any fruit.

Related reading:  “8 Week Custom Meal Plan”

Related reading:  Summary of, “Your Guide To The Keto Diet” – Video

Your focus on lazy keto is different. The lazy keto diet focuses on just one macro – carbohydrates (carbs). The original keto diet limits your carb intake to less than 50g per day of carbs, and so does lazy keto. So long as you focus on your carb count and more protein and fat the other macros will more or less fall in place or at least be close enough for you to lose weight. One other point, eat whole foods or your lazy keto diet becomes the dirty keto diet.

Related reading: “Dirty Keto”

Cover photograph of the book, "The Superfood Swap". Click here to see the book's contents.
Click to see Table of Contents

The idea of a lazy keto diet isn’t all that new. Dawn Jackson Blatner, a registered dietitian and certified specialist in sports dietetics, and author of “The Superfood Swap” tells us there are a lot of people who slide into lazy keto when they’re eating the traditional keto diet. What happens is they hear about keto from their friends. Then they get creative, stop counting all the macros and focus on eating a low-carb, high-fat diet.

Lazy keto and weight loss

You’ll lose weight with lazy keto so long as you’re eating moderate portions of protein and you include low-carb vegetables for nutrition and satiation. Losing weight with the lazy keto diet is mostly because you are giving more consideration to what you eat instead of burning fat while you’re in a state of ketosis. It’s unlikely you’ll enter ketosis without consuming the proper ratios of macros.

Going low-carb safely

In general, we’re likely to overeat simple carbohydrates. Especially refined white carbs like bread, pasta, rice, pizza, cookies, cakes, etc. A great starting point is to replace those things with whole food recipes that include vegetables and fruit, plus small amounts of whole grains like oatmeal or wild rice. It may not actually be a lazy method, but achieving anything worthwhile seldom has a lazy way of doing it.

Another way to go is to have a custom keto diet plan prepared for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner below to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

Custom Keto Diet