Infographic of the keto diet food pyramid. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

A Review Of The “Lazy Keto Diet”

The “Lazy Keto Diet” is the latest spin on the century-old keto diet, but is it right for you?

Both the lazy keto diet and the even more relaxed dirty keto diet have been trending upward in the dieting space. It could be the result of people being interested in losing weight, but don’t have the patience or desire to hold themselves to the strict keto diet.

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What is the lazy keto diet?

Infographic of the keto diet food pyramid. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria. The standard keto diet demands that you pay very close attention to how much food you eat, down to the gram, in order to put your body into a state of ketosis so it will burn its fat for energy. Your caloric intake from macronutrients (macros) with the standard keto diet is roughly 70-80% from fat, 20-25% from protein, and 10% or less from carbohydrates. This means you’ll be eating a lot of meat, butter, and oils, some leafy greens, but hardly any fruit.

Related reading:  “8 Week Custom Meal Plan”

Related reading:  Summary of, “Your Guide To The Keto Diet” – Video

Your focus on lazy keto is different. The lazy keto diet focuses on just one macro – carbohydrates (carbs). The original keto diet limits your carb intake to less than 50g per day of carbs, and so does lazy keto. So long as you focus on your carb count and more protein and fat the other macros will more or less fall in place or at least be close enough for you to lose weight. One other point, eat whole foods or your lazy keto diet becomes the dirty keto diet.

Related reading: “Dirty Keto”

Cover photograph of the book, "The Superfood Swap". Click here to see the book's contents.
Click to see Table of Contents

The idea of a lazy keto diet isn’t all that new. Dawn Jackson Blatner, a registered dietitian and certified specialist in sports dietetics, and author of “The Superfood Swap” tells us there are a lot of people who slide into lazy keto when they’re eating the traditional keto diet. What happens is they hear about keto from their friends. Then they get creative, stop counting all the macros and focus on eating a low-carb, high-fat diet.

Lazy keto and weight loss

You’ll lose weight with lazy keto so long as you’re eating moderate portions of protein and you include low-carb vegetables for nutrition and satiation. Losing weight with the lazy keto diet is mostly because you are giving more consideration to what you eat instead of burning fat while you’re in a state of ketosis. It’s unlikely you’ll enter ketosis without consuming the proper ratios of macros.

Going low-carb safely

In general, we’re likely to overeat simple carbohydrates. Especially refined white carbs like bread, pasta, rice, pizza, cookies, cakes, etc. A great starting point is to replace those things with whole food recipes that include vegetables and fruit, plus small amounts of whole grains like oatmeal or wild rice. It may not actually be a lazy method, but achieving anything worthwhile seldom has a lazy way of doing it.

Another way to go is to have a custom keto diet plan prepared for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner below to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

Custom Keto Diet