Conceptual B&W photograph "Really ?!?". Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

10 Things About The Keto Diet You Don’t Know

People tend to be very skeptical when they hear about a diet that changes our metabolism in a way that makes our bodies burn fat instead of sugar for its energy. But the keto diet promises just that. It’s a type of low-carb dieting that has been trending in recent years. It’s trending, but it’s not a fad, it’s been in use for ~100 years. Maybe you’ve heard of it?

Conceptual B&W photograph "Really ?!?". Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

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Here’s our list of 10 things about the keto diet you don’t know:

1 – The keto diet was developed in the 1920s as a treatment for epilepsy, not for weight loss. Since its development, it has been used to treat other medical conditions like diabetes.

Related reading: 15 Health Conditions That May Benefit From a Ketogenic Diet

2 – The keto diet is an extremely low-carb diet compared to other low-carb diets. The keto diet works when your body is deprived of carbs to the point it will burn fat for its energy. To do that, the keto restricts your carbohydrate intake to just 50g per day. That’s less than virtually any other diet out there. For example, one cup of cooked brown rice has just under 50g of carbs.

Related reading: Measuring Your Macros: What 50 Grams Of Carbs Looks Like

3 – Most diets limit the amount of rich food you can eat. But the keto diet permits a wide variety of food. It allows you to eat fats, including those from meat and dairy products.Diagram of a keto diet food pyramid. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

4 – Most fruits are forbidden on the keto diet because they have high amounts of carbohydrates. However, berries are acceptable on the diet because they have low sugar content.

5 – The majority of your calories come from fat while following keto. It’s important to eat only the healthy fats, not all fats.

6 – Keto Flu is a thing. It’s not really the flu but it’s a group of symptoms that may accompany The Flu. Keto flu is the side effect of starting the keto diet. It seldom lasts more than a week or so, and not everyone feels the keto flu.

Related reading: The Keto Flu: Symptoms, Causes, And Remedies

7 – The keto diet quite literally changes your body’s metabolism. It’s called “ketosis”.

Related reading: 10 Ways To Know You Are In Ketosis

8 – Dietary supplements may be needed with keto. Supplements can help your body adjust to the changes in metabolism brought about by ketosis. There’s a wide variety of helpful supplements available.

Related reading: What About Taking Supplements On The Keto Diet

9 – The ketosis can be taken too far. Ketosis can be harmful if you stay in a calorie deficient state and lose too much weight. It’s important to keep your doctor informed of your dietary decisions.

10 – It’s common for a person to lose 2 – 8 pounds when they first start the diet. But, as with any diet, the results vary a lot from person to person. Because it depends on their activity level, metabolism, health issues, and a plethora of other things.

Now that you’ve learned the 10 things about the keto diet you don’t know, you may be asking yourself…..

Will the keto diet work for you?

Even after touching on all of these facts, you may still be skeptical about the effectiveness of the keto diet. Many theories indicate the keto diet will:

  • Decrease you cravings
  • Increase your metabolism, thereby increasing the number of calories you burn
  • Boosts fat loss

Related reading: From Harvard School of Public Health, “Diet Review: Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss


Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

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Video capture of "Keto Spinach and Cheese Egg Bites" recipe video. Click to watch the full video on YouTube.

Keto Spinach And Cheese Egg Bites

The “Keto Spinach and Cheese Egg Bites” recipe is below the video.  Click the video to watch it on YouTube.

Video capture of "Keto Spinach and Cheese Egg Bites" recipe video. Click to watch the full video on YouTube.

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Spinach and Cheese Egg Bites” – Video Summary

These are amazing keto-friendly spinach and cheese egg bites, perfect anytime you feel hungry, or as an easy “grab-n-go” breakfast. This is also a freezer-friendly recipe. Cook a batch and just reheat when you’re ready for a quick snack or fast breakfast.

Keto Spinach and Cheese Egg Bites are like little frittatas. The recipe is easily modifiable if you’d like to add different greens, bacon bits, or more cheese.

Related reading: “Keto-Friendly Broccoli and Cheddar Frittata” – Video Summary

Request our “Delicious Keto Recipes” eBook with 21 keto recipes written by Rachel Roberts:

Most importantly, we offer a complete 8-week Custom Keto Meal Plan made for you based on your own physical attributes, activity level, and weight goal. You can watch this video to learn more about it here.

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Keto Spinach and Cheese Egg Bites” – Recipe

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Servings: 1


2 Eggs
1/3 cup shredded Mozzarella
1/2 cup chopped Spinach
1/4 tsp Nutmeg Powder
Pinch of Salt and Pepper


1) Preheat oven to 400F. Line a muffin tin with paper liners or non-stick cooking spray.
2) Beat eggs, nutmeg powder, salt, and pepper in a bowl.
3) Fold in cheese and chopped spinach.
4) Pour the mixture into muffin cups and bake for 12-15 minutes.

Nutritional Information:

Energy – 240 kcal
Protein – 19g (35%)
Fat – 16g (62%)
Carbohydrates – 2g (3%)
Fiber – 0.3g

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Photograph of woman breastfeeding on the keto diet. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

Can You Go On A Keto Diet While Breastfeeding?

Even though the keto diet has been around for over 100 years, it has gained a lot of popularity recently. But how well does keto work for you after having a baby? If you’re nursing, then what you eat is very important. That’s obvious since breastmilk is your baby’s only source of nutrition until they start solid food. So, can you go on a keto diet while breastfeeding?

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What’s keto?

Some people wrongly think of keto as the new Atkin’s diet. But if anything, it’s the other way around because the keto diet was developed over 40 years prior to the Atkins diet.

Both diets are low-carb diets, but the keto diet is more strict when it comes to carbs and is also a high-fat diet with moderate amounts of protein. The keto diet is designed to keep your body in a state of ketosis where it uses stored fat as its fuel.

Related reading: Your Guide To The Keto Diet – Video

The keto diet has become so popular because a lot of people have used it to lose weight and keep it off. But it’s a very strict diet. Your macronutrient distribution looks like this: about 75% of your calories come from fats, 20% comes from protein, and 5% from carbohydrates (that’s about 40g/day, or a little less than 2 medium bananas). There are no cheat days on the keto diet because just one misstep will take you out of ketosis. However, there’s good news, because most of the keto-friendly foods are quite filling you’re less likely to succumb to cravings.

The foods you’ll eat the most on a keto diet are meat, fatty fish, cheese, butter, and eggs. These foods are also good foods to be eating while breastfeeding too. To stay in ketosis you’ll want to avoid added sugars, alcohol, processed food, grains, fruit, and starchy foods, as well as unhealthy fats like mayonnaise and vegetable oil.

Some people experience some side effects when they first start on their keto journey. A new ketoer may experience fatigue, digestion problems, muscle aches, etc. All together these symptoms are referred to as the “keto flu”. Read this article for more details.

Related reading: The Keto Flu: Symptoms, Causes, And Remedies

Can you go on a keto diet while breastfeeding?

Photograph of woman breastfeeding on the keto diet. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.Because your body is sustaining an entirely separate little human as well as yourself, breastfeeding is demanding on your body. This means your body is using a lot of energy and needs more calories than normal. A breastfeeding mother will need two to five hundred extra calories per day. Especially during the baby’s first stages when they are entirely dependent on milk and can’t take solid food.

By eating a well-balanced diet the extra calories won’t’ stick, they’ll go right into milk production for the baby. In fact, it’s somewhat of a common occurrence for nursing mothers to actually lose a little weight. Generally speaking, diets that cut calories while nursing is a bad idea. Because reducing calories to lose weight affects the supply of milk. The top priority is to ensure the baby is getting all the nutrients they need.

If a nursing mom puts herself into a calorie deficit, her body can go into a self-preservation mode. Because the body wants to preserve itself it will spend less energy producing milk and may even store some fat anticipating worse times – calorically speaking.

Because the keto diet is different than a weight loss diet and puts an emphasis on consuming high-fat foods. Although the keto diet is a low-carb diet, there isn’t any evidence that low-carb diets affect milk production. However, most pediatricians are unlikely to recommend anything except for the FDA-approved balanced diet (a.k.a., the standard American diet).

Because most keto-friendly foods are very filling, a nursing mother won’t actually eat as much as they would if they weren’t following the keto diet. Because mom may feel full it might be hard for her to reach her caloric target for the day, which means milk production may be reduced.

The keto diet can also cause slight dehydration. So a nursing mom will have to be aware of how much fluid she is ingesting and make sure it’s enough. Because dehydration will affect milk production too.


Without paying attention to your food and water consumption the keto diet can come with some health risks. The nursing mother has to be conscious of what she’s eating and the quantities of food she’s eating. She also has to remain aware of how her body is doing.

We would recommend absolutely DO NOT start a keto diet while you’re breastfeeding. Wait until the breastfeeding has ended to start a diet.

Because breastfeeding can have such an impact on your baby’s health and wellbeing, whatever you choose to do, keep your doctor informed – for both your sakes.

Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

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Video capture of "Keto Chicken Taco Soup" recipe video. Click to watch full video on YouTube.

Keto Chicken Taco Soup

The “Keto Chicken Taco Soup” recipe is below the video.  Click the video to watch it on YouTube.

Video capture of "Keto Chicken Taco Soup" recipe video. Click to watch full video on YouTube.

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“Keto Chicken Taco Soup” – Video Summary

This easy and quick Keto Chicken Taco Soup recipe is perfect for weeknights. It’s loaded with all the flavors of traditional taco soup without the carbs. This is a recipe you can whip up in about 20 minutes.

Request our “Delicious Keto Recipes” eBook with 21 keto recipes written by Rachel Roberts:

Most importantly, we offer a complete 8-week Custom Keto Meal Plan made for you based on your own physical attributes, activity level, and weight goal. You can watch this video to learn more about it here.

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“Keto Chicken Taco Soup” – Recipe

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Servings: 1


1.75 oz (50g) Diced Chicken Breasts
2 Tbsp diced White Onion
1 Tbsp diced Red Bell Pepper
1 clove Garlic, crushed
1 Tbsp minced Jalapenos
1.5 cups Chicken Stock
1/3 cup sugar-free Tomato Sauce
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 tsp Taco Spice Mix
1.75 oz (50g) diced Avocado
Fresh Cilantro for garnish


1) Sear chicken pieces lightly in olive oil.
2) Add garlic, onions, bell peppers, and jalapenos. Sweat until aromatic.
3) Add spice mix, stock, and tomato sauce. Simmer for 10-15 minutes.
4) Ladle into a bowl and top with avocados and cilantro.

Nutritional Information:

Energy – 300 kcal
Protein – 12g (16%)
Fat – 25g (74%)
Carbohydrates – 7g (9%)
Fiber – 4g

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Infographic of the things you can do to banish sugar cravings. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

10 Ways to curb your sweet tooth on the keto diet

Infographic of the things you can do to banish sugar cravings. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.Getting a sweet tooth while you’re on a keto diet can be especially rough at the beginning of your dietary journey. After all, it’s unlikely that you’ve tasted your favorite sweet treat since beginning the keto diet.

Don’t get discouraged! Cravings for sweets won’t last forever. Most people usually find their cravings diminish substantially within just a few weeks of adapting to the keto diet. You just need a little time to get there.

Here is a list of 10 ways to curb your sweet tooth on the keto diet. This should be especially helpful to people who are just starting the keto diet.

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1 – Avoid sweets

The fewer sweets you eat, the better. You may be able to avoid sweets altogether if your taste buds are adjusting from regular food to the kinds of foods you eat on a keto diet. You won’t need to eat as much sugar before your sweet tooth is satisfied. When cravings hit, turn to fat bombs or cooking with butter and heavy cream. And avoid artificial sweeteners at all costs!

Related reading: Keto-Friendly Tiramisu Fat Bombs

2 – Avoid artificial sweeteners at all costs!

Infographic of the things you can do to banish sugar cravings. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.Yes, avoid artificial sweeteners (especially if they are in the form of a drink mix) at all costs. Artificial sweeteners can confuse your body and keep you thinking about sweets without ever actually satisfying your desire for sweets. As soon as you avoid them, your taste buds will adjust and give up wanting things that used to taste good but aren’t good for you anyway.

3 – Think of the reasons why you started eating fewer carbs in the first place

Remember why you wanted to eat healthier in the first place: maybe it was because your cholesterol levels were too high and your doctor wanted to put you on a medication for high cholesterol. You made the keto diet changes because you really wanted to avoid taking medications. Why would you want to start taking medications now? As soon as your cravings start, think of the things that motivated you: pain from heart disease, joint problems from diabetes, etc. Think about why those reasons were strong enough to make you change your diet in the first place and what terrible consequences might happen if you let yourself give in to your sugar cravings.

4 – Keep away from places where there is junk food or sweets

This can include avoiding restaurants (go out less often), avoid free food samples, avoid going into bakeries, and don’t shop while hungry.

5 – Eat fat, it’s the keto thing to do

Fat is the most satisfying thing you can put in your mouth. When you are hungry, eat some butter or olive oil, or heavy cream (which has a similar consistency to ice cream). As far as fats go, avoid processed vegetable oils: they are unhealthy. There is a lot of information about all the different kinds of fats — please do read it! Also, avoid dairy products that contain “added sugar” such as chocolate milk and flavored yogurts. Avoiding sugar-rich foods like cheesecake will eventually turn off your cravings for it and make you less likely to go back to eating things that don’t work for you.

6 – Avoid partying or social eating events where there will be alcohol and sugar

Vector graphic illustrating "no alcohol allowed". Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.Alcohol makes it difficult for many people to avoid desserts since alcohol tastes delicious with sugar. Alcohol also adds calories to the meal (and therefore the waistline!).

Related reading: Does Keto And Alcohol Mix?

7 – Avoid eating anything that comes in a box or wrapped packaging

This includes not eating any snacks that come prepackaged like granola bars, cookies from a jar (unless you have them at home already), or things made with white flour. Anything packaged has sugar added to make it taste better and last longer on the shelf before spoiling.

8 – Avoid eating out and bringing home leftovers

Most restaurants use white flour for their cooking and sweeteners to make their food taste better. Don’t eat anything out of a box — if you have had bad experiences with some packaged things in the past (such as macaroni and cheese that tastes different from your homemade recipe) avoid those kinds of meals every time. If you want to go out with friends to be with them, eat beforehand so that you avoid temptation.

9 – Avoid snacking (or eat low carb snacks) and avoid eating at night

Avoid bringing food into the bedroom at night. If you must snack, eat something that won’t raise your blood sugar levels too quickly, and avoid sugars altogether if possible.

10 – Consider adding in more healthy fats to help suppress the hunger but still avoid sugary foods!

Eat eggs for breakfast or add avocado to a salad with some olive oil; nuts are also a good choice to satisfy those cravings without compromising ketosis. There is no need to avoid fat on the keto diet — just make sure it’s not coming from junk like corn oil or seed oils (which are high omega-6).

Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

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Video capture of the "Keto-Friendly Cheese Biscuit" recipe video on YouTube. Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Keto Cheese Biscuits

The “Keto-Friendly Cheese Biscuits” recipe is below the video.  Click the video to watch it on YouTube.Video capture of the "Keto-Friendly Cheese Biscuit" recipe video on YouTube. Click to watch the video on YouTube.

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“Keto-Friendly Cheese Biscuits” – Video Summary

These keto cheese biscuits (crackers) are epic! They’re so tasty, so crisp. You can pair these low-carb keto-friendly cheese biscuits with anything…. From your favorite dip to a creamy smooth nut butter or a bowl of “Keto Chicken Taco Soup”. These are made with cheddar cheese and almond flour. Although you could substitute the cheese with mozzarella or virtually any other cheese to change the flavor. They bake to crispy perfection in just 6-8 minutes!

Adding these crackers to your meal planning will change your snacking routine forever!

Request our “Delicious Keto Recipes” eBook with 21 keto recipes written by Rachel Roberts:

Most importantly, we offer a complete 8-week Custom Keto Meal Plan made for you based on your own physical attributes, activity level, and weight goal. You can watch this video to learn more about it here.

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“Keto-Friendly Cheese Biscuits” – Recipe

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 6 minutes
Servings: 1


1/4 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese
3 Tbsp Almond Flour
1 Egg Yolk
pinch of Black Pepper


1) Combine all ingredients in a bowl and knead into a smooth dough.
2) Line a baking sheet with parchment and preheat the oven to 425F.
3) Place dough in between sheets of parchment and flatten with a rolling pin.
4) Cut into serving-sized pieces and prick holes on the surface with a fork.
5) Transfer onto the prepared baking sheet and bake for 6-8 minutes.

Learn how to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” prepared for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner below to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

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Photo of a pregnant couple with food at a table. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

Ketosis And Pregnancy?

Photo of pregnant couple with food at a table. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.What about ketosis and pregnancy?

Photo of pregnant couple with food at a table. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.Photo of a pregnant couple with food at a table. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.It’s clear that the keto diet and the metabolic state of ketosis is safe for most adults. Keto is also known to have a lot of health benefits. But what about ketosis and pregnancy?

The question about ketosis being safe for pregnant woman and their unborn children is an important one to think about. This post will look into ketosis and pregnancy so you’ll be better informed.

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Ketosis and pregnancy

Obviously, a woman’s body goes through many changes during their pregnancy. Their awareness and their partner’s awareness concerning food choices increase while trying to conceive. So how does ketosis affect conception?

Conceiving in ketosis

Ketosis may be beneficial to conception. Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which can make conception difficult if not impossible, have been seen in studies to succeed with conception while following a keto diet. Because a well-planned keto diet is safe for the average person, it’s safe for a woman trying to conceive. This is especially so if she were eating the standard American diet or a high-carb diet.

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Is ketosis safe during pregnancy?

One of the prevailing misconceptions about ketosis while pregnant is that ketosis will lead to Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA). DKA is quite harmful but entirely different than nutritional ketosis that comes from the keto diet.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis vs. Nutritional Ketosis

  • DKA is a metabolic state found in diabetics that aren’t properly managing their diet or insulin. This results in unnaturally high levels of ketones along with blood sugar levels that are three times higher than normal, or more. Causing a dangerous amount of acid in their body. Ketoacidosis needs to be avoided by everyone, not just women who are pregnant.
  • Nutritional Ketosis is a naturally occurring state of metabolism where the person’s body is using fat instead of carbohydrates for its energy. In this state, there are very low levels of ketones and blood sugar levels are normal. The body also has a healthy acidity.

Sometimes these get confused with one another and if can cause professionals to think that nutritional ketosis has the same effect as Diabetic Ketoacidosis. This is especially so because DKA can be harmful to the development of the fetus’s brain. Because of this, there’s belief ketosis is harmful to the developing baby. But that’s inaccurate!

Now for some facts

Naturally occurring ketosis during pregnancy

Click to get your own Custom Keto Diet PlanThe majority of women who are pregnant suffer from morning sickness at the beginning of their pregnancy. Morning sickness brings nausea, reduced appetite, and aversions to some foods. Eat often becomes intermittent and in smaller amounts. Because of all of this, a pregnant woman is frequently, and temporarily, in and out of ketosis.

Let’s point out that ketosis is part of being human, naturally. For instance, the time between eating dinner and eating our first meal the next day is putting our bodies into a state of fasting. Even our first meal of the day is call breakfast… break the fast. And this happens to everyone, not just pregnant women.

Furthermore, pregnancy might be in favor of ketosis. Because according to the study, “Starvation in human pregnancy: hypoglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, and hyperketonemia”, ketone levels are about three times higher in pregnant women after an overnight fast than in non-pregnant women.

Late-stage pregnancy and ketosis

Ketosis often occurs naturally in late-stage pregnancies. Ketones are used by the baby before and just after birth produce essential fats in the brain during growth. Actually, researchers think the fetus may be making its own ketones. Possibly being the reason ketosis is so common during the third trimester.

Related reading: “Ketonuria in Pregnancy—With Special Reference to Calorie-restricted Food Intake in Obese Diabetics

The metabolism of pregnant women changes to a catabolic state in late-stage pregnancy. The catabolic state is one of molecular breakdown, meaning ketosis is happening more frequently. Remember food aversions and nausea that many pregnant women experience alone will reduce the amount of food consumed, more easily entering ketosis.

Related reading: “What is a Catabolic State?

Pregnancy with low-carbs

A low-carb diet is fine during pregnancy so long as enough nutrition is consumed. A balance of ketones and glucose is key for the fetus to grow. The important thing is to ensure normal blood sugar levels and the consumption of enough calories.

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Thing to consider

We know ketosis is safe and natural when done correctly. A woman goes through a lot of changes and there are extra things to consider during pregnancy. Regardless of being in ketosis or not, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Now is not the time for weight loss – The keto diet is a very effective way to lose weight. For most women, losing weight during pregnancy isn’t a good idea. It’s important to consume enough calories regardless of your diet. Proper nutrition is vital.

Eat whole foods – Proper nutrition is especially important for your growing baby. There are some foods with higher carbohydrates that are important to include in the pregnancy diet: fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes, occasionally dairy products.

Avoid added sugar, processed foods, and refined grains – Carbohydrate quality is important because it relates to nutrient-dense foods for both the mother and the growing baby.

Don’t fast intermittently – Even though there are a lot of benefits to intermittent fasting it’s not a good idea while pregnant. It’s more important to pay attention to your hunger cues and consume enough nutrition for growth.

In summary

It’s necessary to consider your diet during your pregnancy, don’t let fear-mongering and ignorance make you think the keto diet is harmful to pregnancy. Especially when you compare it to the diet most people are earring.

Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

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Photograph of a woman not feeling well due to the Keto Flu. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

Top 5 Keto Flu Remedies That Work!

Keto flu remedies that work are a handful of things for you to do if, or when, you find yourself feeling the symptoms. Or, by doing these things at the same time you begin your keto diet you may well avoid feeling the symptoms entirely!

What is the keto flu?

The keto flu is a group of flu-like symptoms that some people experience when they start the keto diet. The keto diet is a high-fat, medium amount of protein, and very low-carb. The objective of the keto diet is to put your body in a state of ketosis. In ketosis, you’ll burn stored fat instead of glucose. This process is quite a change of metabolism and some people react to it by presenting flu-like symptoms. However, there isn’t any disease involved and the symptoms are very temporary.

Photograph of a woman not feeling well due to the Keto Flu. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.The symptoms and severity vary by person. But most people who are affected will have some combination of general achiness, constipation, headache, or nausea because of the sudden diet change. Be aware that, unlike The Flu, keto flu does not cause fever. If you have a fever you may want to see your doctor.

These side effects, or symptoms, seldom last more than a few days to a week. That is, so long as the ketoer strictly adheres to the diet. Falling in and out of ketosis will cause the symptoms to last longer because you’re not giving your body time to adjust.

The keto flu can be very uncomfortable for some people, while others won’t even think about how their feeling. Regardless of where you fall on that spectrum, treating the keto flu symptoms appropriately will get you through this adjustment period more quickly and with less discomfort.

And consider this. If you start following these remedies at the same time you start your keto diet you may be able to avoid the keto flu entirely.

Related reading: The Keto Flu: Symptoms, Causes, And Remedies

Top 5 keto flu remedies that work!

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1 – Drink plenty of water

Extra sugar is stored as glycogen. Our body’s cells hold the glycogen molecule and a lot of water. Our bodies dump a lot of that water and glycogen as we go into ketosis. Because we are losing so much water we can become dehydrated unless we drink plenty of water.

Dehydration can lead to general body aches, headaches, and sluggishness.

Because dehydration is such an unwanted side effect, be sure to drink plenty of water to prevent it. This is particularly important if you were drinking a lot of sugary drinks before starting your keto diet.

2 – Boost your electrolytes

As your body expels water it also loses electrolytes. The loss of electrolytes is compounded as insulin levels decrease. A lot of the keto flu symptoms are associated with lower levels of electrolytes. If you’re experiencing a feeling of weakness, fatigue, or cramping, it could be the lack of electrolytes.

You can improve your electrolyte levels by adding salt to your diet or drinking a sports drink that is high in electrolytes. Because sports drinks can have added sugar, you will have to watch your carbs more closely. Alternatively, drink sugar-free sports drinks.

3 – Consume enough calories

Eating a keto diet will reduce your appetite. Because your appetite is reduced you run the risk of not consuming enough calories to stay healthy. The combination of a decreased appetite from eating keto, and feeling nauseous from the keto flu, can put you in a position where you’re not taking in enough calories.

Ensure you’re eating healthy fats and consuming enough calories every day. Then your energy level should improve and your nausea will be reduced.

Accurate meal planning is crucial to consuming both the right amount of macronutrients and calories. Correct meal planning is also time-consuming and can be frustrating. One option is to have a custom keto meal plan prepared for you by professional nutritionists and chefs based on your food preferences, weight goals, and other personal information. Click here or on the banner below to learn more.

Click to get your own Custom Keto Diet Plan

Related reading: How To Make A Keto Meal Plan

4 – Take it easy

It’s important to avoid overdoing things at the start of your keto diet. Because it takes time for your body to transition completely to ketosis.

For the first 7-10 days avoid strenuous exercise and hard work. Instead, try lighter types of exercise like yoga, walking, or medicine ball exercises. Then you get back to your regular routine when you’re feeling better.

Related reading: Lose Weight Fast With Yoga And Keto

5 – Try transitioning more slowly

Since many of the keto flu symptoms are caused by a sudden dietary change, you can transition to keto more slowly versus going full bore. Phasing out carbohydrates while increasing fats over a week or two will let your body adjust over time instead of overnight. Avoiding keto flu symptoms entirely!

When should you see a doctor?

The keto flu is very temporary and should go away pretty soon after starting the diet. If your symptoms last longer than 10 days or are painfully debilitating, or they’re accompanied by a fever, you might want to see your doctor.

Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

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Photo of a cutting board with a tape measure and the words "lacto-ovo keto" to illustrate, "Lacto-Ovo Keto, How?". Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

Lacto-Ovo Ketogenic Diet, How?


A Lacto-Ovo ketogenic diet is just what it sounds like. A hybrid between a keto diet and a Lacto-Ovo vegetarian diet.

Photo of a cutting board with a tape measure and the words "lacto-ovo keto" to illustrate, "Lacto-Ovo Keto, How?". Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.Lacto-Ovo vegetarianism is the most common style of vegetarianism. A Lacto-Ovo vegetarian includes dairy and eggs in their diet but won’t eat meat, fish, or poultry.

Even though they don’t restrict themselves in food, they enjoy eating like delicious no-bake keto chocolate chip cookies, it could still be hard being on a keto diet. Because meat is one of the most consumed foods on the keto diet!

But, that doesn’t mean Lacto-Ovo ketogenic diet isn’t possible. In fact, there exists a variation of the keto diet called “the vegetarian keto diet”. Go figure. Because the keto diet is very strict and hard for sometimes hard to follow, here is how to successfully be a Lacto-Ovo vegetarian.

Related reading: Can A Vegetarian Or Vegan Go Keto?


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Know what you can eat

Diagram of a keto diet food pyramidDieting is a lot easier when you know exactly what you can eat, and what you can’t eat. The majority of keto-friendly foods are high-fat, low-carb, and medium protein. Because vegetarians don’t eat meat they have to make some adjustments to the traditional keto diet. With that in mind, here is a look at what a Lacto-Ovo vegetarian keto dieter can eat.

    • Plant-based proteins – tofu, tempeh, seitan, textured vegetable protein.
    • Low-carb vegetables – asparagus, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, collard greens, kale, lettuces, swiss chard, turnip greens.
    • Plant-based fats – avocado, coconut, and olive, and their oils.
    • Dairy – full-fat milk, heavy cream, non-sweetened butter, cheese, plain cottage cheese, full-fat yogurt.
    • Seeds and nuts
    • Eggs
    • Berries

Eat something high in protein with each meal

The standard keto diet is built around animal products because they are the best source of protein. Animal protein contains all nine of the essential amino acids that we have to have to be healthy. Because Lacto-Ovo vegetarians don’t eat meat they will need to eat a combination of dairy, eggs, seeds, and nuts.

So when planning their meals, the Lacto-Ovo vegetarian ketoer needs to create meals that include eggs and/or dairy products. To give you an idea, for breakfast try having low-carb keto-friendly bread, greek yogurt with berries. For lunch help yourself to a Broccoli and Cheddar Frittata.

Related reading: 6 Alternatives For Bread On The Keto Diet

Limit your carbohydrates

The keto diet focuses on eating low-carb foods that are high in fat and proteins. Therefore limiting your carbohydrate intake is crucial. Because they’re avoiding carbs, a vegetarian on keto has to avoid the typical vegetarian protein sources (i.e., legumes, quinoa, buckwheat, etc.) because they all have too many carbs.

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Focus on the low-carb vegetables

Because vegetables are very healthy, include them in your meals. Not all vegetables are low in carbohydrates. So be mindful and eat only low-carb vegetables like leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, etc. Avoid all of the root vegetables because they are high in carbs (carrots, potatoes, turnips – but the greens are good, beets, etc.).

Add healthy oils

Consuming oils is inevitable because we use them so much for cooking as well as ingredients in our recipes. Oils make each meal taste better, improves our food’s texture, helps us feel satiated for longer periods of time. Oils are also needed for our bodies to properly absorb some vitamins.

Keeping in mind that oils are a great source of fats, limit your use of oils to only healthy oils. So instead of using the typical vegetable oils (sunflower, safflower, or canola oils), use avocado, olive, coconut oils, and butter or ghee.

Spices and herbs are your friends

Spices and herbs give your meals a better flavor. They also increase the variety of dishes and provide micronutrients. Experiment with different spices and herbs to change the flavor of the same, or similar, meals. So if you use common spices like cinnamon, basil, or rosemary try something different like; nutmeg, cumin, or thyme.

A Lacto-Ovo vegetarian keto diet is a splendid blend of high-fat, low-carb, and protein-rich foods that take care of your daily needs. It’s the perfect diet for vegetarians who want the benefits of a keto diet without giving up their diet.

But before going keto you need to learn what you can and can’t have in your meal plan. Planning meals isn’t that simple. If you would like help planning your meals, click here and learn about an eight-week custom keto diet plan that’s designed for you based on your food preferences (such as no meat, fish, or poultry) and other personal data.

Related reading: How To Make A Keto Meal Plan


Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

Click to get your own Custom Keto Diet Plan

Photograph of a chalkboard with the words 'keto strong' and a kettle bell weight. Click to get your personalized custom keto diet plan.

6 Alternatives For Bread On The Keto Diet

Bread has a high carbohydrate and calorie content. So people on the keto diet can benefit from alternative bread, like these 6 alternatives for bread on the keto diet.

Here are 6 quick and easy bread alternatives that may be a suitable option for ketoers trying to control their carb intake

1 – Collard wraps

Photograph of a wrap made from a collard leaf. Click to get your personalized custom keto diet plan.Photograph of a wrap made from a collard leaf. Click to get your personalized custom keto diet plan.Photograph of a wrap made from a collard leaf. Click to get your personalized custom keto diet plan.

Photograph of a wrap made from a collard leaf. Click to get your personalized custom keto diet plan.Collards are a fantastic alternative bread for pitas or tortilla wraps. Make sure you use leaves that are large enough to contain your fillings.

Collard leaves are a low-carb, low-calorie, nutritious option that can help you meet or exceed your daily consumption of leafy greens

Because collard leaves are flimsier than bread or tortillas, they hold a filling better.

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2 – Portobello mushrooms

Cooked large portobello mushrooms can be used as burger buns. Place one mushroom on the bottom, then fill with your favorite foods before finishing with another mushroom put on top.

They may give your burgers more texture and flavor while still being low carb and letting you get in that additional serving of vegetables.

Because mushrooms have a high water content, eating them with your hands may be a little messy, so have your fork and knife available.

3 – Bell peppers

Why not sandwich your ingredients together using a bell pepper for a more sturdy bread alternative? Half the pepper, de-seeded and de-veined. Use half for the top and half for the bottom. Or alternatively, just fill half the pepper and eat like a “bread bowl”.

Bell peppers are excellent raw since they hold together well and give a bit of crunch to your meal. Plus they’re low in both calories and carbohydrates. Try cooking your peppers first, then stuffing them with your favorite sandwich ingredients for a soft and spicy sandwich.

4 – Cucumber boats

Photograph of stuffed cucumbers (cucumber boats). Click to get your personalized custom keto diet plan.Slice a cucumber in half longways, scoop out the center, then layer in your ingredients to form a tiny low-carb sub.

Tuna mayo is a simple favorite filling; the cucumber keeps its form nicely and adds crunch, flavor, and heft to your meal.

Related reading: “Curry Tuna & Avocado Salad”

5 – Roll-ups of eggplant

Eggplant is a delicious and versatile veggie. A thinly sliced, roasted, long piece of eggplant may be used to produce snack-size roll-ups. Simply cut the aubergine down the length and cook until browned and softened. Fill the eggplant slice with your fillings, coil it around them, and secure it with a cocktail stick in the center.

These are perfect for bite-sized tiny bread wraps. Think pinwheels.

6 – Bread from nut flour

Alternative bread made from nut flours is a good option for those who want to try their hand at making bread substitutes. Almond bread is produced using ground almonds or almond flour, which has a lower carbohydrate content than wheat flour. Almond flour is arguably the most popular nut flour, but there are many other types available.

Using eggs and almond flour combined will help the “bread” stay together. The final bread will be a cross between bread and cake in its consistency.

Do you have any other substitutes for bread? Leave it in the comments!

Are you ready to start your Keto Diet? One way to get started with a Keto Diet is to have an 8-week “Custom Keto Diet Plan” created for you based on your height, weight, age, level of physical activity, and personal weight goals. Click the banner to learn more about your customized keto diet plan, or click here to go straight to your custom keto diet meal planner.

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