Diagram of a keto diet food pyramid. Click to learn about getting a customized keto diet plan designed based on your activity level, food preferences, weight goals, and other personal criteria.

Comparing Dirty Keto And Clean Keto

A lot of people have been helped with their weight management journey by following the Keto diet. Although it’s a diet that’s been divided. One version of the diet starter ~100 years ago. The second is more modern and influenced by today’s eating patterns. The second version of the keto diet is “dirty keto” and the first is “clean keto”.

How do you figure out which keto diet is right for you?

The keto diet is useful for weight loss and weight control. Many studies show there is a wide variety of other health and wellness benefits. Clean keto helps to increase energy levels, improve brain function, and athletic performance. Dieters who are experiencing the clean keto benefits may wonder what the newer “dirty keto” has to offer compared to “clean keto”. So let’s spend some time comparing dirty keto and clean keto.

Comparing dirty keto and clean keto

Clean keto

Diagram of a keto diet food pyramid used to illustrate, "Comparing Dirty Keto And Clean Keto".The basis of clean keto is to eat a fixed number of macronutrients composed of high-fat, moderate protein, and a very low amount of carbohydrates. These macronutrients will give you the energy your body needs while you lose body fat without feeling hungry, weak, or fatigued. By reducing your consumption of carbohydrates your body enters a state of ketosis. When you’re in ketosis your body’s primary source of energy is ketones, not sugar. Ketones are made in your liver by converting fat. They are a fantastic energy source for both body and brain and increase the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). From Wikipedia, “BDNF acts on certain neurons of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, helping to support the survival of existing neurons, and encouraging growth and differentiation of new neurons and synapses.

Most of your calories come from healthy fats, nuts, and seeds. Be mindful that some nuts and seeds are suited to the keto diet more than others. Nuts and seeds with the highest amount of fat and the lowest amount of carbs are the ones you want to include in your keto diet (i.e., almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, etc.). The keto diet allows for eating lots of leafy green vegetables and other low-carb vegetables. Additionally, eat moderate amounts of protein from meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. Lastly, you curb your sweet tooth with a piece of 90% dark chocolate.

Some foods to avoid on the keto diet are those with high amounts of carbohydrates. Limit your consumption of fruit due to the high sugar content and avoid fruit juices entirely for the same reason. Avoid grains, legumes, and root vegetables because of their carb count.

Dirty keto

The dirty keto diet follows the same macronutrient guidelines as the clean keto diet. The difference is with dirty keto it doesn’t matter where those macronutrients come from. For example, dirty keto allows you to have a fast-food hamburger, pork rinds, and Cheese Whiz. Whereas clean keto encourages good fats, grass-fed meats and butter, wild-caught fish, and avocados.

Can you control your weight with a dirty keto diet?

It’s certainly possible, but most of the benefits stop there. There are notable deficiencies that you should be aware of. To begin, the dirty keto diet won’t provide you with the Custom Keto Dietmicronutrients you need such as vitamins and minerals needed for general health. Additionally, processed foods are loaded with sodium that can cause inflammation and bloating.

On top of that you’re more likely to put any weight you lose back on, have more cravings, and feel less satiated. Dirty keto foods may cause cravings, bloating, and a feeling of withdrawal. These are all symptoms associated with the so-called “keto flu”.

You are what you eat

When your digestive system is healthy the small and large intestines are built with a paper-thin lining. In normal healthy conditions, only water and digested food will enter your blood. When you’re experiencing inflammation of the intestines, or consume inappropriate food, the intestine’s lining becomes too porous.

Diets that include processed food with their added chemistry like those included in a dirty keto diet can damage the intestinal lining, making it more porous. This also affects the balance of both the good and bad bacteria found in our intestines. This condition of unbalanced bacteria can allow the bad bacteria to get out of control further increasing how porous the lining becomes. Resulting in a “leaky gut”, also called “intestinal hyperpermeability”, allowing toxins, bacteria, and particles of undigested food to get in your blood and move through the rest of the body including the brain.

Your gut affects your mental state and overall physical feeling. Likewise, your mental state affects your gut and its health, making the clean keto diet the better choice for your brain’s well-being.


Even though dirty keto seeks the same macronutrients as clean keto does, there are some stark differences between the two diets and how they influence your body and brain. A dirty keto meal is better than a standard American diet meal and can be eaten as a contingency meal, but a dirty keto diet shouldn’t be used as part of a continuing healthy eating program. Follow a clean keto diet instead and you’ll be successful at controlling your weight, increasing your energy level, as well as giving your brain a healthier, longer-lasting fuel.

Photograph of fit woman in front of wall with health and wellness signs to illustrate, "Photograph of fit woman in front of wall with health and wellness signs to illustrate, "How A Ketogenic Diet Benefits Your Body And Mind".

How A Ketogenic Diet Benefits Your Body And Mind

You’re seeing “Keto” everywhere. It’s the latest buzzword and favorite thing for people wanting to lose weight and get fit as well as the newest target for the mainstream medical industry that favors the grain-dominant food pyramid. Though not the cure for cancer, the keto diet shows potential for healing many terrible health conditions. So let’s separate fact from fiction, get through the science, and take a look at how a ketogenic diet benefits your body and mind.

Photograph of fit woman in front of wall with health and wellness signs to illustrate, "How A Ketogenic Diet Benefits Your Body And Mind".

3 Benefits A Keto Diet Offers

1 – Weight loss

This probably isn’t news to you, but it’s possibly the most common reason people switch to the keto diet. An often asked question is, “Why is weight loss typically so easy on a ketogenic diet?”. Well, here a couple of the top reasons:

    • Ketogenic diets contain about 75% fats, 20% proteins, and no more than 5% carbohydrates. The high fat and lack of sugars diminishes cravings, reduces swings in blood sugar and binging, and increases the dieter’s feeling of satiation. The greater your level of satiation the less you’ll want to eat. Because so many people have sensitivities to grains, including gluten-free grains, eliminating them can lead to better absorption of necessary minerals like magnesium, potassium, and others, helping your body to be better nourished with fewer cravings.
    • Ketones. When you start running low on blood sugar your body starts to use the glycogen it has stored as an energy reserve. Our bodies typically store about 2000 calories in glycogen for backup energy for when we use up the glucose in our blood. If our bodies use up the glycogen stores it will start converting stored fats to the energy that our bodies can use to keep going.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: Being on a keto diet does not give you permission to eat all the proteins and fats you want to willy nilly. If you eat too many calories, you won’t lose weight. So be mindful of the keto dairy, desserts, and sweets. Focus on eating quality, fatty, grass-fed meats, butter, eggs, and avocados as well as a lot of green and cruciferous vegetables.

2 – Brain functions

A brain that is functioning poorly leads to lessened productivity, an unhappy boss, lack of job satisfaction, cravings for energy-producing sweets, and depression. It’s a terrible chain reaction.

Dr. Russell Wilder developed the original ketogenic diet to treat epileptics in the early 20th century. He has a phenomenal success rate and the keto diet is still used today for treating epilepsy and some other neuro/brain-related disorders. Research reported by the National Center for Biotechnology Information shows that ketones are a more efficient fuel for our brains than glucose.

3 – Cancer-fighting potential

Another study which was also reported by the National Center for Biotechnology Information shows a ketogenic diet can lead to a dramatically improved survival time and slower tumor growth.

In Summary

If you’re reading this article it’s likely you are in some kind of pain or anguish. Whether your pain is physical or mental (overweight, an autoimmune disorder, thyroid disease, fatigue, a foggy brain, depression, etc.) you can use this information, don’t just skim over it and think that’s nice for someone else. Motivate yourself to change!

Custom Keto Diet
If you find information like this useful, why not request our FREE eBook “Deliciously Easy Keto Recipes” and learn more about the ketogenic diet?

Your Libido On Keto

When you begin the Keto diet you expect to lose weight, have fewer cravings, see improvements in your blood work, and improve your health overall, right? But you probably weren’t thinking about how your libido on Keto would fare, were you?

Photograph of topless couple making out to illustrated, "Your Libido On Keto".Some people have reported feeling, how can I say this in a G-rated way, “more frisky” after reducing their carb intake. But others say their libido on Keto decreased.

So what’s the real story?

First things first, the libido

Before we talk about the effect of a Ketogenic diet on your libido, we should take some time and talk about our libido in general.

Our libidos, also know as our sex drive, is part of a four-phase sexual response cycle:

      1. Desire
      2. Arousal
      3. Orgasm
      4. Resolution

Some of the elements of the first phase, desire, include sexual drive, motivation, and our sexual wish.

Our desire for sex depends on a rather complex set of factors. Here are just a few of those factors in no particular:

    • Overall health
    • Age
    • Sex hormones
    • Social influences
    • Relationship satisfaction
    • Stress levels
    • Body image

So you can see our libido is dependent on several factors, both internal and external. The various interactions of all these factors, and more, influence just how high (frisky) or low (not so frisky) we’ll feel. Also, none of these factors are constant and they will change throughout our lifespan. A fluctuating libido is normal.

Diet will affect our libidos

It’s well known that our diet has a huge influence on our health, both physical and mental health. Seeing that our libido is an aspect of our health, it’s obvious that our diet will influence our libidos. For instance, it’s been shown that unhealthy diets can lead to metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, and low testosterone – a hormone that plays a part in regulating our libidos.

The nutrients in the food we eat can have a far-reaching effect on our sexual health. The number of calories you take in can have an effect too. People carrying an excess of body weight who limit their caloric intake to lose weight tend to feel a bit more frisky. However, if our calorie intake is near starvation levels your libido will decline substantially as will your general health.

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Now, what about your libido on Keto?

Sadly, we don’t know a lot about our libidos in relation to a ketogenic diet. There was a study in 2007 comparing low-carb to low-fat diets for weight loss where one of the twenty-nine subjects reported a lower libido. Yet in a different study evolving obese subjects found the Keto diet improved the overall sexual wellness.

You might have already heard anecdotal evidence and stories about how the libido is affected by a Keto diet. That can add to the confusion. But if you stop and think about it, anything that improves your overall health is going to impact your libido in a positive way, increasing your sex drive. Losing weight doesn’t just improve your wellbeing, it’s also going to reduce inflation and bring hormones into balance. However, if you don’t eat a healthy diet and it’s causing negative side effects you’re likely to have a diminished libido.

If you don’t plan your Keto diet well you can end up with a deficit in nutrients that are important to hormones and brain health, like zinc and magnesium. The Keto diet is known to improve the functioning of the brain and since the brain is our main erogenous zone, the next logical step is a Keto diet that will improve your mood for sex.

A few theories about libidos and Keto explained

As you now know from reading the above, there isn’t a lot known about how a Keto diet affects our libidos. There are many ideas about it. Following are just a few of these ideas explained.

Hormones balance

A poor diet can create a sex hormones imbalance when our blood glucose and insulin are elevated. These imbalances are linked to a hormonal condition that leads to sexual dysfunction and other problems know as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) in women. The Keto diet improves both glucose and insulin levels improving hormonal balance in turn.

Mood improvements

A Keto diet has been shown to improve conditions that are connected to problems with mood such as GABA deficiency, low levels of serotonin, proper functioning of the mitochondria, stress, inflammation, insulin resistance, and more. Additionally, the success you’ll experience with a Keto diet will give you an immediate mood boost and bump in your confidence (friskiness).

Nutritional deficiency

In spite of all this good news, starting a Keto diet can cause a temporary loss of libido. Often a person will experience an electrolyte imbalance when they first begin their Keto diet. One electrolyte, magnesium, is quite important for trusting sexually. Low levels of magnesium can affect the thyroid too. Fortunately, this all passes quickly when you’re eating the correct foods.